For Fire Departments and First Responders

Who Is This Site For?

Anyone Associated with First Responders. We offer low-cost, high-value websites to fire departments and their members.

What We Offer

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Fire Departments

Affordable and easy to use website designs especially designed for the needs of volunteer fire departments.

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Looking after the needs of first responders, we offer everything from fully customized websites to cost-effective layouts, so your organization can have precisely the website it needs.

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Website Updates

Cost-effective site update services, along with pro security, site monitoring, automatic backups and more.

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We offer secure, budget-conscious hosting to give you peace of mind that your website is safe from harm but easily accessible to you.

Added features *

Events Calendar

An events calendar is a great way to inform your community about things going in, around or about your firehall. A Member’s Only calendar can be an easy and efficient way to keep your members informed on hall activities or events.

Hall Rentals

Renting out space in your firehall is a great way to generate funds but managing that rental process can require a lot of time from your volunteers. We offer a booking system that can be attached to your website and streamline the entire process for your volunteers.

Volunteer Recruitment

List what roles you need the most. Many people are surprised that it’s not just firefighters that are needed, but accountants, social media support, auxiliary and so much more.

Members Merchandise Store

Why not raise funds and support by giving members of your community the ability to buy/order merchandise to show they are a proud supporter of your firehall? Rather keep the store in house for firefighters only? Either option is available.

Incident Alert Banners

Keep your community safer with the ability to post alert banners when unsafe emergencies arise.

Fire Ban Updates

Keep your community up to date with the latest information of any provincial fire restrictions.

Fire Station Donations

Be able to accept donations of cash or items by letting your community know what your firehall needs and how to they can get that to you.

Recruitment Pages

Your website can house a volunteer recruitment section, making it easier to attract and recruit all types of volunteers to your firehall.

Logo Designs

Need a department logo or need your current logo in digital form? We can help with whatever branding you need.

Social Media Integration

How great would it be to have all your media posts/activities show up on your website? Everything in one place. No more clicking around to find information you need.

and more!

We will be adding more items as we continue to grow and expand our services across Nova Scotia and across Canada.

Have an Idea?

Let us know what else we can offer, we are always looking to add more services to help our firefighting brothers and sisters.

* Some of these added features are free while some have fees associated with their use. Online stores for example typically have fees associated with their use. There are also different types of the same feature. For example, one calendar might be free while another calendar with more options might have a cost to use it. Any costs for plugins, subscriptions, annual dues, set-up, etc. are not included. We will review the needs of your firehall and discuss the different options so you can make the decisions that fit within your department’s budget.